Kai V, Germany

I have travelled to Bhutan in the hope to find what media has taught us about this beautiful country; Pristine nature, mystical places, gorgeous temples and happy people. However difficult to imagine it may seem – Bhutan really is the kind of fairy-tale place westerners long so desperately for. With air so crisp and waters so clear, it’s almost overwhelming to take in the added beauty of stunning architecture, wonderful rituals and the ever so friendly culture.

Cama Bhutan and its courteous staff turned this magic into real experiences that will last as memories for my life. Not only have they gone the extra mile – constantly – they have also shown me sides of Bhutan you wouldn’t come so easily by. Sides that require more than just driving past by car.

From visiting a traditional Tshoglham bootmaker, rice sourcing at local markets, fun nights out in Thimphu to audiences with a lama and real life stories between the lines of official travel guides. I can truly say that strangers I have met turned into friends for life and doubt this would have been possible with your standard agency.
Cama Bhutan, creating long lasting memories for visitors to Bhutan is your strength and for that I thank you so dearly.

Best wishes from Cologne!:)

Kai V, Germany
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