
Here is a list of reading materials we recommend.


Beyond the Sky and the Earth:A Journey into Bhutan (Jamie Zeppa) – one of the most celebrated books about Bhutan, it chronicles the journey of an unseasoned traveler getting to grips with life in the undeveloped world and falling in love with the country and its people.

Bold Bhutan Beckons (Tim Fischer and Tshering Tashi) – a captivating book offering both western and eastern perspective on ancient and modern Bhutan (by virtue of its dual authorship). The sections by Tshering Tashi offer an invaluable insider’s insight into the lives and customs of the Bhutanese.

Treasures of the Thunder Dragon: A Portrait of Bhutan(Queen mother Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck) – written by one of the queen mothers, the book contains an intriguing insight into the life of the royals in Bhutan. The book also provides a fascinating depiction of how the royals perceive the country and its various facets.

Hidden Bhutan: Entering the Kingdom of the Thunder Dragon (Martin Uitz) – a delightful collection of anecdotes that offer an insightful perspective on the mystical kingdom and its culture and tradition.

Dreams of the Peaceful Dragon: Journey into Bhutan (Katie Hickman) – a charming account of a voyage to the untouched eastern part of the country.

Travel guides:

The Footprint Guide to Bhutan – 2nd edition, September 2010
Lonely Planet Guide to Bhutan – 4th edition, March 2011
Bhutan: Himalayan Mountain Kingdom (Francoise Pommaret) – 2005
Bhutan – A Trekker’s Guide (Bart Jordans) – 2006